SMS activities

Formal/Glitter Beard Day and Pie Face Challenge

On March 12, 2019, the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades at SMS had a teacher Pie-in-the-Face trivia. The teachers were asked a series of questions generated by the Student Council. If they got the question correct, then they passed their turn without cranking the knobs. If they got the question wrong, they had to spin the spinner to then see how many cranks they would have to take. If they hit enough cranks, then they get hit with whipped cream!  

6th Character: What always ends everything? Character is answer.

Later that month, the students reached their goal of $750. With this, students got to see their teachers dress up in formal dresses and wear glitter beards! Everyone loved the activities and getting to see their teachers dressed up so funky! At the end of our Penny Wars, we raised a total of $1,815, and donated that money to Pennies for Patients.

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